Message from the Director General

Although we continue learning all of our lives but, dear students, you are entering the most crucial part of your educational career. You are the future of Pakistan. You, the human capital of our country, must be offered the best opportunity to accumulate knowledge and improve the ability to apply that knowledge in real life. We are here to provide you a platform to do that. Our target is to have a nice input in your shape and then apply the process of imparting knowledge and have an output as a very good Muslim, an excellent citizen with highly professional attitude, vision and knowledge of your area of study that holds the power of deciding and building Pakistan's future.
University of the Punjab was established in 1882 and after being the largest higher educational institution of Pakistan for 124 years, a decision to establish a new campus at Gujranwala was taken in 2005 to bring a platform of higher learning at the doorsteps of this great city. With Punjab University Gujranwala campus, you will be a part of a great academic history of more than 133 years. Presently the campus hosts four different departments. New building and blocks have been built and we plan more expansion in the near future.
We offer the degrees of BBA (Hon.), B. Com. (Hon.), BS (IT) with Honors, M. Com., MBA, M.Sc. (IT) and LLB. The campus offers the best and most modern educational facilities including an excellent faculty, a fully air-conditioned open shelf library, a spacious and multipurpose hall, fully air-conditioned and equipped class rooms and a peaceful environment. These classes are being taught by highly qualified faculty members including the ones with a foreign PhD. The experience and exposure of the faculty members will ensure that we have the best possible output.
We believe in continuous hard work, motivation and struggle to groom you, the potential students, to be the base of the future of Pakistan and require your cooperation and devotion for that. This will be a team work and all stakeholders will join hands to achieve these ends. We also plan to encourage a research environment and aim to start M. Phil. and Ph.D classes in future. We also plan to start publishing a good multidisciplinary research journal to further enhance our capacity building capabilities.
We welcome all the students who will be selected on merit and congratulate them on starting and paving the way to their bright future. We hope that your stay here would be a part of life that would not be forgettable and will be a starting point in your career building path.
Professor Dr. Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor
Director General
MBA (Pk.), M.Phil (Pk.), Ph.D. (U.K.)